International Relations and International Law
Human Rights | Agency | Experts | Advocacy
Human Rights | Agency | Experts | Advocacy
Reiners, Nina (2022): Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions for Human Rights. Cambridge University Press. Peer-reviewed Articles Reiners, Nina and Sara Kahn-Nisser (2024): A Voice or an Echo? Women on the UN Human Rights Expert Bodies. Global Governance 30 (3+4), 383-408. Reiners, Nina (2024): The power of interpersonal relationships: A socio-legal approach to international institutions and human rights advocacy. Review of International Studies 50 (2), 252-270. Reiners, Nina (2024): States as Bystanders of Legal Change: Alternative Paths for the Human Rights to Water and Sanitation in International Law. Leiden Journal of International Law 37 (1), 22-41. Lesch, Max and Nina Reiners (2023). Informal human rights law-making: How treaty bodies use ‘General Comments’ to develop international law. Global Constitutionalism 12 (2), 378-401. Deloffre, Maryam Z.; Hofferberth, Matthias; Holzscheiter, Anna; Koch, Martin; Lambach, Daniel; Reiners, Nina; Ronit, Karsten (2022): The Why and How of Global Governors: Relational Agency in World Politics, International Studies Review. 24 (4), viac054. Reiners, Nina. (2021): Despite or Because of Contestation? How Water became a Human Right. Human Rights Quarterly 43 (2), 329-343. Fleischer, Julia and Nina Reiners (2021): Connecting International Relations and Public Administration: Toward A Joint Research Agenda for the Study of International Bureaucracy. International Studies Review 23 (4), 1230-1247. Ratzlaff, Olaf and Nina Reiners (2020): Herausforderungen für Digitales Lehren, Lernen, Leben: Erfahrungen mit dem Hochschul-Hackathon [Challenges for digital learning, teaching, living: The university hackathon]. Hochschulmanagement 2+3, special issue Corona-Pandemie und Hochschulen, 78-83. Reiners, Nina and Andrea Liese (2015): Nichtstaatliche Akteure in der Menschenrechtspolitik: von Normanwälten über Komplizen zu Infragestellern und Herausforderern [Non-State Actors in International Human Rights]. Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik 8 (2), 651-676. Book Chapters and Editor-reviewed Publications Reiners, Nina (2023): Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions as Change Agents in International Law, in: The Many Paths of Change in International Law, ed. by Nico Krisch and Ezgi Yildiz, Oxford University Press, 89-106 (open access). Reiners, Nina (2023): Expert Bodies and Organizational Culture(s) in International Organizations, in: Handbook on Governance in International Organizations, ed. by Alistair D. Edgar, Edward Elgar, 107-121. Reiners, Nina (2022): Watering Down Human Rights? A Healthy Environment for the Rights to Water and Sanitation, in: The Uncertain Future of Human Rights, ed. by The Graduate Institute Geneva, Global Challenges (11). LINK Reiners, Nina (2022): Internationale Organisationen & NGOs als Wissensakteure [IOs and NGOs as epistemic actors], in: Herrschaft und Wissen, ed. by Gunnar Folke Schuppert, Nomos, S. 241-264. Reiners, Nina (2021): Wir sind die Vereinten Nationen! Zivilgesellschaft für Menschenrechte und Nachhaltigkeit [We are the United Nations! Civil Society for Human Rights and Sustainability], in: POLIS 3/2021, 12-15. Reiners, Nina (2020): Opposites Attract? The World Bank and the United Nations Human Rights Bodies, in: Augenmaß und Leidenschaft. Festschrift für Harald Fuhr, edited by Thomas Hickmann and Markus Lederer, Nomos, 99-109. Liese, Andrea and Nina Reiners (2019): The Eye of the Beholder? The Contestation of Values and International Law, in: The International Rule of Law: Rise or Decline?, edited by Heike Krieger, Georg Nolte and Andreas Zimmermann, Oxford University Press, 335-343. Reiners, Nina (2018): Kontroversen um die Reform der UN-Menschenrechtsvertragsorgane [Controversies around the UN Human Rights Treaty Body Reform]. Vereinte Nationen/ German Review on the United Nations 66 (6), 266-271. Reiners, Nina (2018): Die Interpretation von Menschenrechtsnormen durch die Vertragsausschüsse der Vereinten Nationen [The Interpretation of Human Rights by the UN Treaty Bodies]. MenschenRechtsMagazin 23 (1), 5-14. Reiners, Nina (2018): General Comment No. 15 on the Right to Water (2002), in: Quellen zur Geschichte der Menschenrechte [Key Documents on the History of Human Rights], edited by Working Group Human Rights in the 20th Century, available at: Book Reviews Reiners, Nina (2022): Alles für die gute Sache. Review of „Privileged Precarities. An Organizational Ethnography of Early Career Workers at the United Nations“ by Linda Martina Mülli (Campus), Soziopolis. Reiners, Nina (2021): „The ‘Third’ United Nations. How a Knowledge Ecology helps the UN think” by Tatiana Carayannis and Thomas G. Weiss (OUP), Global Policy. Reiners, Nina (2021): „Constitutionalizing World Politics: The Logic of Democratic Power and the Unintended Consequences of International Treaty Making“ by Karolina M. Milewicz (CUP), Politische Vierteljahresschrift (PVS) 62 (3), online first: Working Papers and Blog Posts Reiners, Nina (2022): Renewing the UN Human Rights Regime in a Changing World – Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions Call for Human Rights Optimism, Multilateralism in Action, 23 June 2022, also published as "Injecting Optimism back into the UN Human Rights Regime: The Power of Transnational Lawmaking Coalitions", The Global, 6 September 2022. Barkholdt, Janina and Nina Reiners (2019): Pronouncements of Expert Treaty Bodies: From ‘Black Boxes’ to ‘Key Catalysts’ in International Law?; KFG Working Paper Series, No. 40, Berlin Potsdam Research Group “The International Rule of Law – Rise or Decline?”. Reiners, Nina (2019): Undermining Authority from Within, The Global, 3 January 2019, Reiners, Nina (2018): Giving Human Rights a Future: The Transnational and Transformative Character of a Business and Human Rights Treaty, Völkerrechtsblog, 27 July 2018, doi: 10.17176/20180724-155129-0 |